Thursday, December 3, 2009

FITNA Explained

Fitna and the Kafir: Part One
By Kenneth Roberts
December 1, 2009

Why do cartoons constitute a capital crime in Islam? Why did writing 'The Satanic Verses' bring a death sentence and bounty upon Sir Salman Rushdie? Why does a military psychiatrist fire more than 100 rounds into an unarmed crowd he was trained to heal? Why do Muslims express violent anger concerning differences of religious opinion? The one-word answer to these questions is 'FITNA'.

Fitna is one of the most important concepts in Islam, but it is a totally alien concept to Western philosophy. The concept of fitna totally abnegates our notions of free expression or logical discourse. The concept of fitna subjugates all thought to the method of Mohammed.

Fitna is spotted by the mullahs who also pick the Islamic response to it. In response to the Danish cartoons, they instructed Muslims to riot. Grand Imam Sayyed Tantawi, the paramount authority in Islam, demanded the closing of Jyllands Posten to prevent further fitna. Muslims studiously avoid the word fitna when talking to infidels.

What is fitna then?

The definition is surprisingly simple: Fitna is any disagreement with Mohammed. More precisely, Fitna is any islamicly-incorrect thought which is communicated to others in the public domain.

This definition fits all the confusing facts and makes sense of all the Islamic dualisms. Fitna is a thought crime. Fitna is a dualistic cocktail of blasphemy and treason.

As with almost everything in Islam, fitna is very hard to explain, because it is couched in Islamic dualism. Even Muslims have trouble explaining it, but they can identify it when they see it. And when they see it, they react violently.

There are two distinctly different classes of fitna: inter-Islamic fitna and infidel fitna. In relation to the evil infidels, fitna means 'tempting', 'enticing' or 'luring' another to disagree with Mohammed. Fitna comes from an old Arabic word that means removing the dross from pure metal. Pure Islam is held in check by fitna, so it must be purged.

In modern Islamic usage, fitna is used to describe ideas that cause controversy, testing, fragmentation, scandal, chaos, or discord, disturbing social peace and order within the Muslim community, …such things as openly disagreeing with the head of state of Egypt or Iran or with something found in Sharia law. When a professor at an Arab university quotes original research on the primary sources of Islam, he is immediately accused of fitna and his life is simultaneously threatened. Inter-Islamic fitna is what most Muslims understand when they think of the word 'fitna'.

Muslims cast a veil over 'kafir fitna'…the politically incorrect free speech of wicked infidels that justifies jihad and brings Allah's just punishment upon them.

Mohammed discovered a brilliant way to criminalize differences of opinion with himself. He called his invention 'fitna' and made it the worst crime in his new religion. Any utterance that tests Mohammed's method is a chargeable offence and a capital crime if it persists. The religious charge of blasphemy veils the serious political charge of treason against Mohammed.

Mohammed is Allah's vice-regent on earth. Not only does Mohammed define the truth, but he has a right to punish those who disagree. Moreover, Mohammed is both the constitution and the Islamic state. By disagreeing with Mohammed, you are calling him wrong, in error or worse yet a liar. That is slander and character assassination, but it is also the crime of treason against the Islamic Nation.

The Koran likes to say infidels are accusing Mohammed of being a liar, since that sounds more dramatic and culpable. The Koran commands the punishment of fitna after making it sound reprehensible. Anyone disagreeing with Mohammed in any way has become an enemy of the state who should be treated severely and with violence.

Private disagreements with Mohammed are acceptable, as long as they do not reach the eyes or ears of Muslims. However, public disagreement demands public Islamic punishment. 'Punishment' euphemistically means the death penalty, normatively by beheading.

In the Islamic religion, Mohammed is the only one who speaks for God. Disputing Mohammed's religious monopoly in public means disagreeing with God Himself…thus putting Allah to the test before Muslims. If Allah has lost face in public, his honor and control of the situation can only be restored by violence. To disagree publicly with Mohammed is to call Mohammed and Allah liars. Koran 29:63 - "Who does more harm than he who tells a lie against Allah?" No one! Anyone who suggests Allah or Mohammed are fakes is the worst criminal.

The Koran tells us that words disputing Mohammed/Allah are more criminal than the deed of murder. This does not make sense.

Obviously, something else is going on under the blanket of religion. That something is a political doctrine called 'supremacism'.

In art, an object is sometimes defined, not by positive use of color, but by negative space and the use of shadow. Fitna reveals Islam's key doctrine of Mohammed's supremacy veiled in shadow. Undermining Mohammed's authority does more harm than anything!

As far as Muslims are concerned, the fact that infidels have wrong thoughts in private is bad enough. The divine plan is for the whole world to agree openly that Mohammed is right. In the meantime, it is good for the infidels to be under Islamic control.

In normative Islam, the public utterance of disagreement with Mohammed is worthy of death. Practically, why is this so?

The death sentence is required for the sake of the political harm done to the Islamic chain of command and the readiness of Muslims as a solid fighting force (Koran 61:4).

Basically, all Muslims constitute one army of which Mohammed is the head. First and foremost, every Muslim male is a potential soldier…a holy warrior…a jihadist. If Islam is to go forward, the Muslim male needs to be emotionally, psychologically and mentally ready for jihad and the Islamic community needs to enthusiastically support jihad.

Jihad is Mohammed's method, the way Islam grows. Mohammed is the only expert on Islam. Anything that stands in the way of jihad is evil, satanic and treasonous! Satan and his followers need to be weakened and destroyed or at a minimum brought under the coercive control of the Islamic state. The Islamic army will be ready only if there is an absence of fitna, so fitna control means information control. Information control precedes jihad.

The tactic of information control was first demonstrated by Mohammed by assassinating his vocal critics, usually at night. Mohammed also gave his complete support to freelance assassins who murdered family members who criticized Mohammed at home…also usually at night.

Disagreeing with Mohammed is not permissible if a Muslim is present or becomes aware of it. Mohammed used violence to stamp out the utterance of disagreement and he approved of others who did the same on their own initiative. Mohammed is the role model for all Muslims to emulate.

Assassination is the normative punishment for the crime of fitna. Killing a critic of Islam is a good deed, since it restores the honor of Allah/Mohammed and removes the threat of fitna from the community. Any Muslim is free to carry out the death sentence in the matter of fitna. In Sharia-dominated countries, no punishment will be given and the killer will be a hero. As well, the assassin is guaranteed entry to the highest rank in paradise.

Grand Imam Sayyed Tantawi, the leading cleric of the four Sunni sects declared, 'Muslims are allowed to fight against them (critics), but only to the extent of making them aware that they should not become enemies of Islam.' Here we have the foremost Muslim in the world stating publicly that infidels should be 'fought' (treated violently) if they disagree with Mohammed. Since Tantawi speaks for 90% of Muslims, violence against critics of Islam remains an official dogma of mainstream Sunni Islam. Sunnis number almost one billion.

Most Westerners believed Muslims were angered that Kurt Westergaard (the cartoonist who drew the Mohammed turban-bomb cartoon) called Mohammed, or by extension, that he called all Muslims-violent! Westerners believed their message was: 'Don't say Islam is violent or we'll kill you!'

But Islamic violence is not the issue. Muslims know that Mohammed is violent and that he is their role model. They revel in it. It makes them feel strong and proud.

Jihad is holy violence. Violence is the way Allah removes fitna, removes the dross from pure Islam and removes the infidel scum from the earth which is owned by Mohammed. (Bukhari 4:52:220)

No! Muslims were angered that the Danish cartoonists disagreed with Mohammed, and said so in public. That was political fitna and a crime against honor.

The cartoonists disagreed that Mohammed's violent method is right and made fun of it. The cartoonists removed Mohammed's halo. As a consequence, Allah and Mohammed both lost face. If Allah/Mohammed said violence against the infidels is right… and the infidels laugh at Allah's Divine Command…the infidels obviously need to be taught a lesson. The infidels need to accept that Mohammed owns the earth and their position is one of political inferiority to Muslims. Islamic supremacism is Allah's divine plan and violence is Mohammed's method.

The infidels are to be brought under the control of the Islamic state in thought, word and deed and they are given no choice in submitting to it or not. Allah commanded violence so the infidels will be forced to receive the divine benefit of Islam…'even if the infidels are averse to it!' (Koran 9:33)"

Muslim logic is: The infidels do not understand. They are blinded by Satan. Muslims have to use violence to help the infidels. The infidels should be in terror of Allah and the coercive power of the Islamic Nation. It is for their own good. Allah is great! And has the ability to do all things. And Allah knows best!

That final phrase ends every Islamic verdict and the deeds of jihad follow. Further disagreement is impossible.

Throughout the West, the infidels did not understand! The purpose of the cartoon riots was not to reassert the lost human rights of Muslims under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, but to proclaim the political supremacy of Muslims over the infidels and show the willingness of Muslims to support jihad and bring the infidels under their control. Put negatively, the purpose of the cartoon riots was to declare the inferiority of infidels, who should know their place and commit no more 'fitna'. That is…the infidels needed to learn not to disagree with Mohammed in public.

Source: Kenneth Roberts is interested in global affairs, military history and the music of Mozart.
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Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Manhattan Declaration

On November 20, 2009, a group of Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant clergy, academics, and organizational leaders recently signed and released a remarkable document of collective Christian conscience and commitment called the Manhattan Declaration: A Call of Christian Conscience (visit

The Declaration makes one significant point -- as Christian Americans we believe each person's life is a gift of infinite worth, and that we have an urgent, ongoing responsibility to continue standing for biblical principles in the public square.

The Declaration is not a partisan or political statement. It addresses and elevates four specific areas of universal consensus or "threshold issues." These are:

(1) The sanctity of human life.
(2) The sanctity of marriage.
(3) The protection of religious liberty.
(4) The rejection of unjust laws.

The content of the Declaration is very powerful. I suggest that you download and read it at the link provided above. If you are so moved, you are encouraged to sign your support of the document.

Monday, November 30, 2009

What can Local Citizens do to Stop Radical Islam?

Radical Islamists (jihadists) invade countries by any means possible to gain the upper hand; typically through immigration, non-violent and violent methods. They encroach upon a country’s freedoms to establish a repressive and fascist form of Islamic (Sharia) law. What can one do to help stop this? A list of things that you can do is provided below.

1. Join ACT! for America; participate in local chapters; share email articles; sign petitions; provide funding. Visit Brigitte Gabriel’s two websites and view her story:, and Read her two books: Because They Hate, St. Martin’s Press, New York, 2006; and They Must Be Stopped, St. Martin’s Press, New York, 2008.

2. Study about Islam: (1) attributes of Allah; (2) teachings of Mohammed; (3) fusion of religion and politics, political Islam; (4) the Islamic trilogy (Koran, Sira, and Hadith); (5) Islamic ethics – duality, Islamic superiority, submission, taqya; (6) unbelievers, kafirs, infidels, hypocrites, and apostates; (7) Islamic (Sharia) law and finance; (8) dhimmitude and jizya; (9) conflict between Islam and “man’s laws” (e.g., the Constitution) and why good Muslims cannot swear allegiance to the US; (10) lack of women’s rights; (11) physical jihad – use of violence and terror; (12) subversion of host-country’s laws; (13) Islamic rules of war; (14) use of taqya; (15) People of the Book; (16) use of Islamic immigration; (17) Wahhabism; (18) the umma; Dar Al Islam and Dar Al Harb; (19) Islamic peace. Activity -- write a paragraph or two about each topic.

3. View/discuss jihadist-oriented videos: (1) Fitna; (2) Obsession; and (3) The Third Jihad, and share them with friends. Encourage your liberal/non-religious friends to see Religulous, and your patriotic, Christian, or Jewish friends to see An American Carol. (Both movies broach the subject of jihad. Afterwards, the topic may be easier to discuss.)

4. Become familiar with the Koran. Some good sites are: (1) The Koran, translated by N.J. Dawood, Penguin Classics; (2) The Glorious Qu’ran, translated by Abdullah Yusuf Ali. This translation is used by American mosques and by CAIR. A free copy can typically be picked up at any local mosque; (3) A searchable Koran created by the MSA that includes three simultaneous English translations:

5. Study websites about Islam. Some good sites are: (1) Robert Spencer’s website about jihad:; (2) Website run by ex-Muslims:; (3) Muslim website about Muslims, with official state sponsorship: Invaluable for its presentation and translation of Arabic and Iranian topics. Contrast this to what Muslims tell non-Muslims; (4) a Muslim religious website for Muslims:, click on “Fatwah and Counseling;” (5) another Muslim religious website for Muslims., click on the English version.

6. Study websites regarding grass-root activities to stop radical Islam. Some good sites are: (1); and (2) Mapping-Sharia Project at Do a Google search on related topics listed in paragraph 2 above, among others.

7. Read books about the “true” nature of Islam. Some good books are: (1) The Islamic Trilogy, Volume 10, Mohammed, Allah, and Politics, The Islamic Political Doctrine, Center for the Study of Political Islam,; (2)
The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam and the Crusades), Robert Spencer, Regnery Press, 2005; (3) The Complete Infidel’s Guide to the Koran, Robert Spencer, Regnery Press, 2009; (4) America Alone, Mark Steyn, Regnery Press, 2006.

8. Learn about CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations) and MSA (Muslim Student’s Association). Get active in local school councils to stop Islamization of textbooks and “Jihad on Campus” activities at schools and universities, etc.

9. Urge politicians to be aware of the true nature of (radical) Islam and to take actions to stop its relentless encroachment.

10. Submit articles to local newspapers that address the true aspects of Islam – especially “radical” Islam.

11. Purchase and use “ACT! for America” business cards at meetings etc. (you can make free cards at:

12. Join related political/social clubs and ask to give talks about “true” nature of Islam (a 3-5 page handout is recommended).

13. Join related political/social clubs and ask to give talks about “true” nature of Islam (a 3-5 page handout is recommended). Ask local libraries to order books and videos that illuminate radical Islam. For example:
Books: Why They Hate (Brigitte Gabriel); They Must Be Stopped (Brigitte Gabriel); The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (Robert Spencer); The Complete Infidel's Guide to the Koran (Robert Spencer); Muslim Mafia (Gaubatz and Sperry); Infidel (Ayaan Hirsi Ali). Videos: Islam: What the West Needs to Know; Obsession; The Third Jihad; Fitna. (


Monday, November 23, 2009

Correlating Biblical and Physical Creation

Ever wonder how biblical creation can be correlated with physical creation? Well, an interdenominational ministry in San Dimas California is working to do just that; this ministry is called Reasons To Believe! Check them out at I did about five years ago, and, due to their work, became a Christian! I am also a Christian because I believe that in the end, Christ's teaching that we love others as we love ourselves will win the battle against other religions and belief systems that are attempting to dominate the world through the use of force and intimidation.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Introduction and a Little History


Since this is my first post on my new blog, something I have never used before, please bear with me as I go through the steep learning curve! Thanks!!!

A Little History

For a little history, I grew up in Portland, Oregon and attended Benson High for my Freshman year (1954), and then transferred to a school closer to home, Cleveland High. I barely eked out passing marks and graduated by the skin of my teeth, back in '58.

Since jobs were scarce then, I joined the USAF. In the Air Force, I attended Ground Power school and then taught basic electricity in this program for about 1-1/2 years. Then I spent 18 months on Okinawa, and was eventually discharged from a base in Florida. During this time, I met and married my wife and we were blessed with two lovely daughters.

To make a long story short, I worked and attended part time college after my discharge, and eventually earned my BS (1971) and MS degrees (1973) in Electronics and Computer Engineering Technology from Arizona State University, after a lot of hard, but highly interesting, coursework.

Upon graduation, the department chair liked my work and asked me to stay and teach, which I did, for thirteen years! After our daughters left home, I got an opportunity to earn my Ph.D. at Texas A&M University, which I did, in 1983. Besides taking classes there, I got to teach some too. What a great time we had there. We found Texans to be wonderful people!

Then it was back to ASU again, where I taught for three more years. Then I decided to change schools and I accepted a tenured position in Electronics and Computer ET at Cal Poly Pomona. I stayed there until I retired in 2004 from full time teaching, and part time teaching in 2009.

Upon full retirement, we decided to follow one of our daughters and move to Tucson, Arizona which we did in October 2009.

Current Interests

Today, I have become interested in politics, science & religion, especially the politics of why 9/11/2001 occurred, and more recently, why the massacre of thirteen innocent people at Ft. Hood, Texas occurred. As time marches on, I anticipate that much effort will be spent in blogging about these topics, especially the latter.