Sunday, June 6, 2010

Some Musings About Muslim Associates

As previously mentioned, I recognize that many Muslims are peace-loving citizens who accept the laws of their adopted countries, and don't subscribe to the radical Islamic Fundamentalist teachings found in the Islamic Trilogy (the Koran, the Sira, and the Hadith). The question we face is how to tell peaceful Muslims from those who wish us and/or our country harm.

To help differentiate between "likable" Muslims (those that I might choose to like), and "unlikable" Muslims (those that I do not like and/or trust), the following guidelines can be proposed:

Characteristics of "likable" Muslims:
(a) They believe in equality of Islam with other religions and seek converts by peaceful means.
(b) They adopt U.S. Bill of Rights and the U.S. Constitution.
(c) They can serve honorably in the U.S. military against all declared US enemies.
(d) They willingly pledge allegiance to the U.S. flag.
(e) They reject Taqiyya (lying to one's enemies) to confuse and/or deceive them.
(f) They reject use of terrorism in any and all forms.
(g) They reject the political aspects of radical fundamentalist Islamic teachings.

Characteristics of "unlikable" Muslims:
(a) They believe Islam is superior to all other religions and belief systems.
(b) They believe Islam will eventually dominate the entire world, and work toward this goal.
(c) They believe lying (taqiyya) to kafirs (unbelievers) to confuse and deceive them is okay.
(d) They believe Sharia law is god's law and must replace all "man-made" US laws.
(e) They believe terror tactics are valid political techniques for achieving their purposes.
(f) They believe physical jihad is a valid mechanism to dominate all non-believers.
(g) They believe all kafirs must convert to Islam, accept dhimmi (slave) status, or accept death.

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