Friday, July 9, 2010

Good, Bad, or Moderate Muslims? The BIG Question.

Good, bad, or moderate Muslims -- that is the question. Differentiation between "good", "bad", and "moderate" Muslims is a delicate problem, especially when taqqiya (lying for Allah's sake) is involved. The big question -- how are non-Muslims to tell them apart? I like Bill Warner's approach in his book "Sharia Law for Non-Muslims, published by the Center for the Study of Political Islam. He notes that Islam is simply a religion of beliefs about Muslim's god, life and the afterlife and isn't a concern. What is a problem is the political aspects of Islam -- Sharia Law. It seems to me that Muslims who believe (either outright or hidden in their hearts) that Sharia must be imposed upon everyone are "dangerous" to our way of life and must be rejected. Jihadists tend to be in this group. On the other hand, those Muslims who reject Sharia and accept the laws of the land can be considered "moderate." I venture that Shireen Qudosi is a member of the latter group and should be supported. Lastly, a big problem is what to do about Muslims who don't profess anything, at least outwardly -- do they accept or reject Sharia? Perhaps we might classify them as "Muslims in name only." They may be in either group and must be watched to determine their true motivations.

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