Tuesday, May 4, 2010

America's Role in World Leadership

President Obama sees America as weak and apologizes for our being who and what we are, contrary to some of our past Presidents. For example, President Ronald Reagan explained America's role in the world clearly to Soviet President Leonid Brezhnev:

When World War II ended, the United States had the only undamaged industrial power in the world. Our military might was at its peak, and we alone had the ultimate weapon, the nuclear weapon, with the unquestioned ability to deliver it anywhere in the world. If we had sought world domination then, who could have opposed us? But the United States followed a different course, one unique in all the history of mankind. We used our power and wealth to rebuild the war-ravished economies of the world, including those of the nations who had been our enemies.

Unlike Reagan, President Obama sees the USA as simply another declining power like Britain or Greece, countries burdened with massive state welfare debt. Obama is working hard to help our country become like them with massive federal debt. He intends to borrow 42 cents per dollar spent in 2010, create fixed annual deficits of more one trillion dollars by 2020, and impose a debt of more than seventy-four thousand dollars per household upon our children and grandchildren.

We need to resist this by replacing the current administration. Exercise your right -- register and vote in November 2010 and especially in 2012! Let's all work together to return our country to the beacon on the hill that it once was, and can be again!

[Source: The Heritage Foundation, Morning Bell, 05/04/2010]

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