Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Some Musings for the Day

Hmmm, Looks like our national debt will soon be 100% of GDP; just like Greece. How exciting. Isn't socialism nice? Guess we out to prepare, get rocks in streets, when our hand-out friends realize that taking other-peoples money can't go on forever!


I had to laugh, Brit Hume on Fox News, said that Eric Holder isn't the "sharpest tool in the shed." Similar to my statement about myself not being the "brightest bulb in the room" when it comes to civics, the US Government and most importantly, the Constitution.


Can you believe it? Posner, Asst Secr of State, appologizes to China for AZ immigration policy; apparently equating what AZ is doing to control its border with Mexico, with the killing of millions under Chinese rule, their total lack of human rights, and their infanticide to control popn. These comparisons are non-equatable!


Hmmm, there seems to be a "war" going on in Washington DC with the current administration. Seems like the current administration wants to be big government and big taxes in control of each individual, versus other administrations who want small government and small taxes and giving each individual right to pursue their own dreams.

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