Sunday, May 9, 2010

Some Musings about Tyranny, Liberalism, Statists, and Conservatism


What is Tyranny?
Tyranny results when a government has a single ruler vested with arbitrary and/or absolute power; usually doled out in an unjust or cruel manner. (1)


What is a Liberal? A person having, expressing, or following political views or polices that favor civil liberties, democratic reforms, and the use of governmental power to promote society's progress; having, expressing, or following views or polices that favor the freedom of individuals to act or express themselves in a manner of their own choosing. (1)

What is Liberalism? The state or quality of being liberal; liberal views and policies, especially in regard to social or political questions. (1)

Modern Liberalism

What is Modern liberalism? Modern liberalism is a form of liberalism that promotes "soft tyranny," a form of tyranny that becomes more oppressive over time, eventually becoming "hard" tyranny, eventually resulting in some form of totalitarianism. An equivalent word in common use today is "Progressive." (2)


What is a Statist? Statistics are people who believe in an all-powerful centralized government where an elite few dictate to the many, in a continuing drive for power. They tend to manipulate public awareness to build popular momentum for the divestiture of liberty and property from their rightful owners. (2)

Statists hide their pursuits in a cloud of moral indignation, believing that only they can provide justice and rightful solution to human problems such as economics, civil conditions, employment, ownership, and of the state in general.

Statists reject fixed rules such as those found in the American Constitution, referring instead to their own "better" moral compasses. (2)

Statists build a culture of conformity and dependency, where the ideal citizen becomes a drone in service to the state. Individuals are drained of uniqueness and self-worth, being deterred from independent thought or behavior reinforced through economic punishment and political suppression. (2)

Statists misuse equality to pursue uniform economic and social outcomes. They continuously enhance their power at the expense of self-government and violate the individual's property rights at the expense of individual liberty. Statists believe that persuasion, deception, and coercion can be used to tame man's natural state and perfection, eventually leading to Utopia. (2)

Statists are generally dissatisfied with the condition of their own existence. They condemn their fellow men, surroundings, and society itself for denying them the fulfillment, success, and adulation they believe they deserve. They are angry, resentful, petulant, and jealous. They are incapable of honest self-assessment and reject the honesty others of themselves, thereby evading responsibility for their own miserable conditions. Statists search for significance and glory in a utopian fiction of their mind's making, the earthly attainment of which, they believe, is frustrated by those who do not share their views. Therefore, Statists work to destroy civil society, piece by piece. For Statists, liberty is not a blessing, rather it is an enemy to be dealt with harshly. (2)

Statists lay claim to the power necessary to make that which is unequal equal and that which is imperfect perfect. They believe that if the individual only surrenders himself to the all-powerful state, the impossible can eventually be made possible; if now now, soon, if not soon, then eventually. Statists never admit error; their failed policies simply result from insufficient data and control, and all that is needed is for more data and more control. (2)


Conservatism is a way of understanding life, society, and governance. Conservatists believe in the dignity of the individual; that we, as human beings, have a right to live, live freely, and pursue that which motivates us not because man or some government agency says so, but because these are God-given natural rights. (2)

The conservative also recognizes in society a harmony of interests characterized in a civil society. A society where the individual is recognized and accepted as more than an abstract statistic or faceless member of some group; rather, he or she is a unique, spiritual, being with a soul and a conscience. (2)

To a conservative, individuals are free to discover their own potential and pursue their own legitimate interests, tempered, however, by a moral order that has its foundation in faith; a faith that guides their lives through the prudent exercise of judgement. Individuals in a civil society strive to be restrained, ethical, and honorable (i.e., virtuous). They reject the relativism of liberalism that blurs the lines between good and bad, right and wrong, just, and unjust and means and ends. (2)

Conservatives don't despise government -- they despise tyranny. Conservatives are alarmed by the ascent of soft tyranny and its cheery acceptance of neo-Statists (Statists who "march" more slowly toward governmental control and eventual tyranny). Conservatives know that liberty, once lost, is rarely if ever recovered. (2)

Equality, as understood by our country's Founders, is the natural right of every individual to live freely under self government, to acquire and retain the property they create through their own labor, and to be treated impartially before a just law. (2)

Our Founding Fathers understood that the greatest threat to liberty is an all-powerful central government, where the few dictate to the many.(2)


(1) The American Heritage Dictionary, 2nd College Edition.

(2) Levin, Mark. Liberty and Tyranny, a Conservative Manifesto, 2009, Threshold

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